孜孜不倦的黑客 / Tireless Attacker

doge scream 日了个特大号的狗了! Holy super-sized shit! 刚才查看 fail2ban 日志的时候,被满满300多行日志吓尿 book。基本上从昨天中午开始就有个来自俄罗斯的 IP 一直在孜孜不倦地尝试进行 SSH 登录。通常被 ban 过几次之后攻击者就放弃了,哪会像这个家伙一样死心眼。而且我用的是非默认端口,这货应该是先扫描了端口boom。 I was scared by fail2ban log of my server — more than 300 lines of log showing a same Russia IP address trying to SSH into my server since yesterday noon. Usually attacker will give up after got banned by fail2ban several times, but this guy is tireless. And the port I’m using is not the default SSH port, clearly this piece of shit did a port scan before attack. Continue reading 孜孜不倦的黑客 / Tireless Attacker