Local domain suffix causing WSUS error

I have several Windows computers in my LAN, so I’m using a Windows Server as WSUS server serving Windows Updates to LAN clients. And I just flashed my router’s firmware from Tomato to OpenWRT yesterday, then I found the WSUS service broken.

“80072ee2” shows on Windows Update window, and the Windows Server Update Service remote console unable to connect to the WSUS server neither.

The 80072ee2 means there was a connectivity issue between client and server,

Continue reading Local domain suffix causing WSUS error

Movin’ on up, to the Upwork

I’ve been working as a part-time freelancer on Elance for about one year. This year has been a lot of firsts for me — got my first part-time job on that platform, received first payment from there, got cheated by a scam client. Anyway, the experience I’ve got through this year is a lot. A life without dealing with cheater is not a real life. Continue reading Movin’ on up, to the Upwork

Need to recover BitLocker after BIOS update

Just updated my Toshiba WT8’s BIOS from 1.20 to 1.60, then Windows 8.1 won’t let me in. Showing a BitLocker recovery screen. So weird, because it’s not first time I’m trying to update BIOS for the tablet, but it’s the first time I’m facing this problem.


Finally, after some clicking & typing I successfully get the recovery key from microsoft.com and logged in to Windows.


今天下午被吓尿,连不上 c5a3.com,尝试 mtr 结果看到在出国前就 No Response from host。在 ping.chinaz.com 尝试后发现国内电信大约半数节点是超时集中在东南部,部分联通、移动节点超时,海外节点全部 OK。说明服务器还是正常的。

心想难道被认证了?但是没有全部不通啊,之前有一个被认证的 IP,国内 ping 的话肯定是满江红——满屏幕超时。但今天就部分地区故障,一般樯不会那么慢还没全部反应过来吧。

抱着试一试的心理,重新拨号换了几个 IP 还是一样。就在我快心灰意冷的时候,突然碰到个可以顺利 ping 通的 IP 了。而且最后通的 IP 是 114 开头,之前不行的不是 101 就是 116 开头。难道正好是电信在调整路由然后导致某些 IP 段暂时性趴下了?不过话说回来,这段时间电信的速度,趴跟不趴真的基本就剩下理论上的差别了。

然后晚上上 v2ex 看到有人说到电信的国际精品网暂停办理了,难道和今天下午的妖怪事件有关?(天晓得~~~)